
Say hello to the happiest mustang! Remedy was adopted on October 19, 2024 as yearling filly from the Hutchinson Kansas Correctional Facility. No, she was not incarcerated. This prison partners with the BLM in a rehab program that pairs inmates with horse trainers and wild mustangs. Here, she was gentled and halter-trained. As a staff and inmate favorite, she was called Jolene (we have fondly kept this as her middle name).

Her curiosity, gentle temperament, and friendliness are undeniable. We had not intended on adopting a yearling. For the NSEC, we were interested in the horses who had been started under saddle. But, this little horse was so delightful, she was more like a friendly Labrador than a wild mustang. 

The Hutchinson Mustang Center has an annual adoption where horses that have been in training go up for auction. At the event, you watch the horses being ridden, speak to the trainers, and peruse the site - a facility that was made by the inmates from recycled highway materials. The center can hold up to 350 horses. During the auction, we had already secured the horse we wanted early on. But, when no one bid on this little gem, we jumped. 

Remedy Jolene was born in July 2023 in Buffalo Hills, Nevada and was rounded up in the spring of 2024. She had been at the center for at least 60 days. When we loaded her into the trailer that day, her people were a little sad to see her leave. Rest assured, we keep in contact with the staff and send photos of their sweet horse friend. When we got her home, it was apparent she had been handled A TON. All she needed was to grow and continue learning. The Buffalo Hills are located 70 miles north of Reno, NV and the horses are considered decedents of ranch horses that either escaped or were released into the wild, and horses that were raised for the cavalry remount program to supply horses to the cavalry. These horses joined already established wild bands. 

We won’t start Remedy under saddle until she is around 3 years old, but she is certainly a fun horse to handle. We do offer ground-work lessons with her. Watch her grow and progress on our Facebook page!